My Writing Side

My Writing Side: January 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Year Ramblings

What is it about the New Year that makes you resolve to do things? I think it’s the idea that the New Year brings a fresh start that gets even the most cynical of us making resolutions year after year—consciously or not.

I’ve always told myself that I will not make New Year’s resolutions…that I know better than to get caught in the fevered zeal that runs rampant at this time. Yet when I examine my thoughts carefully, I realize that I do make promises to myself to accomplish something every year. Like these last couple of weeks, I have been obsessing about finishing my manuscript by this spring. Isn’t this a resolution too?

On another writing topic, I dreamed that I met a stranger who read my blogs and proceeded to analyze me based upon what I have written. When I awoke, I felt unsettled. Do I want people to read me like an open book? So I did some soul searching. Am I putting out too much of myself? Yet, isn’t that what writers do? We share our thoughts and yes, some writers even share intimate details about their lives.

Recently when I read some short stories written by young people in their twenties, I was amazed at how they dared to reveal so much of themselves. Maybe it’s the generational thing…writer after young writer…not afraid to discuss aspects of their lives I would never put on paper.

I admire these youngsters’ courage. And so, after indulging in some more self-analysis, I realized that some of my best writing happened when I was honest and spoke from my heart. Although sometimes I still question the wisdom of being so forthcoming with words, I quell my doubts when I see the result. So write on in this New Year—write from the soul. Don’t make resolutions only to break them…just put that butt on the seat and write.

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