What is the perfect setting to let your writing side loose?
As a teenager, I spent every school year in the most picturesque place on earth–okay, so I’m biased. The Kanchenjunga peaks in the Himalayas, resplendent in pristine white snow; the incomparable sunsets that illuminate the skies in many shades of red, yellow, orange and purple; and the white mist that wraps an ethereal blanket around you. Yes, the writer in me was born in those hills.
So, do your surroundings evoke the writing muse in you? I would hazard a guess that most of us write in our homes with nothing but the computer as the only inspiration. Some of the best works were probably turned out sitting before a typewriter in an attic or some similar space. I have read about authors who shut themselves in a room with no distractions, to produce their masterpiece. My girlish dreams envisioned myself scribbling feverishly on a notepad, stopping only to gaze upon postcard-like scenery. Such romantic notions!
In today’s hectic world, we’re lucky if we can take off a few times a year to unwind and to satisfy our creative side. Does it matter if the place we choose is man-made or created by Mother Nature?
So, after many life detours and nostalgic visions of the mountains still in my head, feeding much my writing endeavours, I must write–perfect setting or not.
Labels: Writing